
A Modern Review Course
Based on Stanford-Scott’s Junior Latin Reader

Cursus offers a framework in which to undertake either a targeted or systematic review of the essential elements of Latin. The course is organized around brief, comprehensible, mythological stories. These progressive stories form the basis for reviewing aspects of:

Language Basics, or Forum Rõmānum [coming 2019-2020]

Vocabulary, or Aquaductae Rōmānae [with a 2,300 word core coming 2020]

Morphology, or Collēs Rōmānī

Syntax, or Imperium Rōmānum [coming 2021]



The site makes use of a variety of free Tools, or Instrumenta, to help you reach your Latin goals.

Ad Initium, it is recommended that you first register for some of these tools at the following sites:
