Bridge Update 2/2021

  • New texts:
    • Textbooks: Suburani,  “Continuing Classical Latin (Linney)” Add “Getting Started with Classical Latin (Linney)”
    • Texts: Epictetus, Enchiridon (Heyne translation)
  • Data improvements: Updated definitions: servus, ancilla, turba, conficio, thermopolium, pieris, torreo, mustum, Parca, lego, tectum, advesperascit, antepono, conspiratio, oppeto, Tullus, affluo, mico, planta, plantaris,  generosus,  pastus, actus; Updated principal parts: ascribo, robigino, robiginosus, robigo.
  • Site Updates: added “People” page to improve crediting of collaborators; improved descriptions of existing and planned apps; added explanation of tokens to Oracle results page; reformatted and improved User Guide; posted new how-to videos to User Guide; improved styling of footer.

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